Best IAS Coaching in Delhi, SHRI RAM IAS

Delhi Government to Try Artificial Rain Over Pollution

Delhi Government to Try Artificial Rain Over Pollution Banner - The Best IAS Coaching in Delhi | SHRI RAM IAS Study Centre

The Delhi government is making headlines once again for its efforts to combat the rising pollution levels in the city. In a recent development, the government has announced its plans to induce artificial rains as a measure to tackle the growing pollution crisis. This innovative approach aims to provide some relief to the residents of Delhi and improve the overall air quality.

Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai announced the proposal for artificial rain. In a meeting with experts from the prestigious IIT Kanpur, discussions were held regarding cloud seeding, a technique used to induce rainfall. The government is expected to receive a detailed proposal from IIT Kanpur, which will be submitted to the Supreme Court for approval.

According to estimates, November 20-21 are expected to be cloudy days in Delhi. If the proposal gets the green signal from the Supreme Court, the plan to induce artificial rain can be executed on these days. The equipment required for this process has already been arranged, including aircraft cloud seeding equipment. The government's team has been closely monitoring the cloud situation in preparation for the implementation of this technique.

In addition to the artificial rain plan, the Delhi government has also been working on other measures to combat pollution. One such initiative is the implementation of the vehicle rationing scheme, commonly known as the odd-even scheme. However, the government is awaiting approval from the Supreme Court before implementing this scheme. To support the proposal, the Delhi government plans to submit two case studies - one from the Energy Policy Institute of the University of Chicago and another from the Delhi Technical University.

The Supreme Court has been actively monitoring the pollution situation in Delhi and has expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the vehicle rationing scheme. The court has emphasized the need for short-term solutions to mitigate the pollution crisis. In response to the court's observations, various studies have shown that the odd-even scheme has helped reduce pollution during the day. However, it is important to note that crop burning, rather than vehicles, remains the primary source of pollution in Delhi.

The Delhi government's focus on finding innovative solutions to tackle pollution is commendable. The proposal to induce artificial rain, coupled with other initiatives like the odd-even scheme, reflects the government's commitment to addressing the concerns of its citizens regarding air quality. These efforts are crucial not only for the health and well-being of the people of Delhi but also for the overall environmental sustainability of the city.

In conclusion, the Delhi government's decision to experiment with artificial rain as a solution to combat pollution is a promising step forward. The government's dedication to finding new ways to tackle the pollution crisis demonstrates its commitment to the well-being of its citizens. Additionally, the government's efforts to submit case studies and seek approval from the Supreme Court signify transparency and responsible decision-making. As Delhi strives to overcome the challenges of pollution, the citizens must support these initiatives and collectively work towards a cleaner and healthier environment.

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